Wednesday, March 13, 2013

heartstrings 32.0: tiiiiii-eeeerrrrddd!

To all my friends back home spring breaking it up now... please know that you have an extremely jealous friend half-way across the world. I've been facebook stalking people and really wish I could say I was enjoying some time off of work right about now... I'm in desperate need of a break. Doesn't help that we changed our schedule up three weeks ago and I don't really get too many breaks anymore. Just today I was told that during my break, I would have to go to another school for an observation, bring back what I learned, and present it as a professional development for the rest of the english teachers. Then had to immediately go to a meeting room to sit and wait for parents to show to talk about their son's progress--to which none showed... then got a call right as our time was up that I had a parent in the office waiting for me. So I had about 20 minutes of a break today to eat. Good times. My body is so not used to working this long without at least a day off and it has caught up with me.

In the past two and half weeks, I have:
  • parked in another person's parking spot and wondered why someone put their bike in my spot
  • left the gym, got off on my floor; heard lots of noises from my flat, wondered why my door was open, who the people were, and where my welcome mat had gone--only to realize I had gotten off on the wrong floor. 
  • attempted to make copies one morning at work, and put in my copy code from the states
  • put the cereal in the fridge and the milk in the cabinet
  • almost fallen asleep when my boys are playing during their classroom break time
  • purchased 100 dirhams of phone credit for data and accidentally put it in as phone credit.
  • gone to bed at 8:00, thinking it was 9:00... Then when I realized it was only 8:00, I didn't care to get up out of bed, so I just called it a night. 
I have never... ever... ever felt as tired in my life as I have lately. And I've done some pretty silly stuff, but I not so much of it in such a short span. Maybe it's a mixture of work, no break since January, and a reading everyone's spring break plans that has made me feel like this... all I know is that it is still 2 weeks and 1 day until I get to say that I am on spring break myself.

Hope everyone back home is enjoying their time off--you've definitely earned it! Don't be jealous of my working whilst you're playing away in your everyday life!

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