Well folks... I have 5 days before we have a glorious 3 week vacation! Those five days will not be a walk in the park either...
Here is what my week will look like this week:
- I have to finish eSIS which is a grading system that is ridiculous and way too time consuming!
- I will have my first formal evaluation on Tuesday with my "bad" class so I am praying they are good.
- I have to finish data charts for the eSIS information to turn into my Head of Faculty.
- Organize things for my trips
- Begin the packing process
- Clean up the flat for a 3 week departure
- Clean out my rental car to return to the company
- Go to the bank and get a payment situated that they messed up royally
- Laundry, which is actually a long process here
- Mail off Christmas gifts from Abu Dhabi
After all that gets sorted out in this short week, I will be extremely relieved and needing this extended break. This whole teaching thing here is not quite what I imagined it would be. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed myself and still thank God for this incredible opportunity pretty much every day; but it's just not what I expected it to be. I came in here with the hope of really pushing myself to be a better teacher and for the opportunity to grow as an educator and learn different ways to teach things... so far, it's been a much bigger challenge than I expected. My kids don't know a whole lot of English and the culture here with the boys is much different than what you expect--even though beforehand, you have heard firsthand what it is like. It just doesn't process until you live it, I suppose. There are a ton of things that here you just can't exhaust your energy doing because it's just not worth it--it won't change the outcome. For example, I don't know how many boys I let run by me, push, hit, and fight with each other. If they're not my boys, it's not even worth taking the time to waste your breath because once they run three steps away from you; they are back at it again with no regard as to what you just told them. I would never in a million years allow that back home in the States, but it's something that I have learned to let go in order for me to maintain sanity with my kids.
I've been really hesitant to say anything online about the experiences that I am having because although it happens, when it's over and you're given the opportunity to travel, or when you get home at 1:50 every day, or when you can just hang loose with some friends... it all seems to go away and it doesn't seem as bad as it was in that moment. The way I choose to look at it now is that I am experiencing things here in Abu Dhabi so that when I get back to Texas, I can take a look back and be grateful for what we
don't have to put up with in the education system. I can look at the State of Texas and be thankful that there is a sense of organization in the way we teach things (even though it changes so frequently) and that there is a sense of professionalism in the way things are handled.
Again, I don't want to give the wrong impression here... this opportunity has been a fantastic experience so far. And it could be so. much. worse. It's hard, it's a challenge, it tests your patience to no end... but the kids can really make you smile. And there is pure satisfaction in watching them grow and finally understand things in English. And to watch the excitement that they have when they see in visual form (aka: flashcards) how much English they have learned. And when they can teach you some words in Arabic... they just flippin' love that! Their little five year old faces light up like nothing else... and they get a good kick out of you when you can't pronounce the words in Arabic the first, second, or tenth time you've tried.
Anyway, here are some pictures of how we celebrated National Day here in the UAE. There was lots of color and some pictures I am not allowed to share for legal reasons... I was sick the for the first two days of this week and came back just in time for the fun.
Andrew and I celebrating National Day by kicking back and watching the festivities... he took up the wooden flag holders from the boys |
My girl, Rimi, and myself... we totally owned some 5th graders in a game and won a pen! Go Team USA! |
Cathy, Niamh (my co-first grade teacher!), and myself at the end of the day |
little scared at the moment cause I had no clue what was going on... nah, just got impatient waiting for the camera to take the picture... lol |
The boys were well excited to celebrate and look at this cute as a button face... |
best part of the celebrations... this sweet baby and his mama as they came to school to celebrate the 41st National Day with his brother |
They love a good piece of candy in this country... and not just for celebratory reasons either. |
Best co-workers in the UAE right here... Rimi, Andrew, and Martin--who was a good sport and let me stick my candy on his face! :) |
The 5th grade boys doing a little local dance to celebrate the UAE |
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